Bringing together parents, caregivers and babies to learn and share knowledge about babywearing.

Sling Library

Library Policies: Slings are to be borrowed for two weeks, or the time between meetings, whichever comes first.  A yearly ten dollar fee is required to gain use of the library.  This fee covers damaged and lost items, and purchase of newer slings.  Slings must be returned in good condition.  Contact group facilitator for washing instructions (puke, poop or excessive spit-up).  Aside from normal wear and tear, borrowers are responsible for neglectful use resulting in damage to a carrier.

CMC is always welcoming donations of slings, new and used.

  • Tan Girasol, German Woven Wrap
  • Navy Moby, Stretchy Wrap
  • Mango Baby Mei Tai
  • Bamberoo Toddler Mei Tai
  • Baby Ball Mei Tai
  • Podegi, narrow blanket, handmade
Soft Structured Carriers (SSC's)
  • Olives & Applesauce, Soft Structured Carrier
  • Beco Butterfly I, Soft Structured Carrier
  • Olivia Boliva hand-made Buckle-Tai
Disclaimer:  Carry Me Close and its facilitators are NOT responsible for any injuries or death resulting from the use or misuse of any of its loaned carriers.  Babywearing safety is the sole responsibility of the borrower.  Please read our Babywearing Safety page before trying any of our carriers.